Monday, October 17, 2016

Virginia Department of health (Week 6)

The Virginia Department of health are the local and state health regulators to Virginia. They are in charge of writing our needed regulations to keep food safe, as well as inspecting our establishments. Visit the Virginia Department of health website, and research the most resent health inspections for three different restaurants in your area. The link is below. Write a brief overview of the inspections and the violation the establishments had. Please include how they could have prevented the hazard or problem in the kitchen.

To find recent inspection:
1. Choose a district
2. Type in name of establishment in search box
3. (Inspection should pop up immediately after hitting search) click most recent inspection.

Please include the establishment's name, address, and date of last inspection in your summary.

Chef Felton

Homework is due by 3 pm on Friday the 21st.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Safety and Santation (Week 5) 10/03/16 - 10/07/16

I hope everyone is having a great week!

This weeks assignment is personal, and I am very excited!

Go into your fridge and look at how everything is organized. Is it in the proper place to prevent contamination. Explain where everything is in your fridge in your post, as well as what should be moved to make it safer. Are their any expired items you should be worried about? What illness are you at risk of contracting with the food items in your fridge out of arrangement? Looking forward to hearing from you all!

Chef Felton