Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Safety and Sanitation week 3 9/19/16 - 09/23/16

View the following video:


Summarize the video in 2 paragraphs (5-6 sentences per paragraph), using specific details from each section. Please watch the video in it's fullest before responding. Also check back throughout the week to make sure you did the assignment correctly. Homework must be posted no later than 3 pm on Saturday 09/24/2016.

Chef Felton


  1. Food safety is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturings. Washing your hands is a big part of keeping foods safe. When washing your hands use hot water but not to the point were it's to hot, use soap and lather up your hands and upper arms after a few seconds rinse thoroughly and dry off with a paper towel and turn the sink off with the paper towel. All employees must wash hands if they touch dirty surface, used the phone, touched face or hair, used bathroom. Make sure you use good hygiene and cleanness.

    Wearing gloves not only keep you clean but the food clean. You need to change your gloves if you leave your station for a moment, shakes someone's hand, touched your face or hair, changed jobs in the kitchen, changed products and have taken out the trash. Always take off your apron if you leave going to go to the bathroom. Don't eat or drink food near where your prepping station. You may drop or spill items into someone else's food and then you have contaminated it. If you want a snack you can have it away from where food is being prepared.

    Hannah DeSpiegelaere
    Block 6

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  3. 1.The safety of food is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturings. Washing your hands is one of the biggest parts of keeping foods safe. When washing your hands use hot water but not to hot and use soap and lather up your hands and upper arms after some seconds rinse and dry off with a paper towel and turn the sink off with the paper towel. All employees must wash hands if they touch any dirty surface, used the phone, touched face or hair, or if they used the bathroom.

    2.When you Wear gloves it keepd you clean and the food clean. You need to change your gloves if you leave for a moment, and shakes someone's hand, or touched your face or hair, changed jobs in the kitchen, changed products and have took the trash out . Always take off your apron if you go to the bathroom. Never eat or drink food near where your station in which you prepare the food. You could drop or spill food into someone else food and so then that mean you have contaminated the food.
    Ta'Liyah Edmonds Bell: 7

  4. 1.The safety of food is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturings. Washing your hands is one of the biggest parts of keeping foods safe. When washing your hands use hot water but not to hot and use soap and lather up your hands and upper arms after some seconds rinse and dry off with a paper towel and turn the sink off with the paper towel. All employees must wash hands if they touch any dirty surface, used the phone, touched face or hair, or if they used the bathroom.

    2.When you Wear gloves it keepd you clean and the food clean. You need to change your gloves if you leave for a moment, and shakes someone's hand, or touched your face or hair, changed jobs in the kitchen, changed products and have took the trash out . Always take off your apron if you go to the bathroom. Never eat or drink food near where your station in which you prepare the food. You could drop or spill food into someone else food and so then that mean you have contaminated the food.
    Ta'Liyah Edmonds Bell: 7

  5. Food safety is very important in food preparation places such as grocery stores, cafeterias, and restaurants. One food safety habit that is crucial is to always wash your hands. You should always wash your hands with hot water, at the safest temperature, and lather with antibacterial soap. Wash between your fingers, underneath your fingernails, and never dry your hands on your clothes. It is important to wash your hands after using the restroom, touching your face, or if there are ever dirty. After you wash your hands, you should immediately put on gloves to further prevent any contamination. When wearing gloves, it is vital to change them when they come in contact with something. For example, taking out the trash, shaking someone's hand, touching your face, or touching another food product such as meat.

    Furthermore, you must also remove your apron before using the restroom. If there is ever a situation where you find yourself hungry while preparing food, it is best to step away from your station and munch on a quick snack. Doing this will keep customers safe from any allergens that fall into the food. One last food safety habit is wearing proper clothing attire. This consists of a clean shirt and pants, closed-toe shoes with your hair tied back.

    Celianne Perez
    Block 7

  6. The safety of food is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturing. It is important to also wash your before going to the kitchen. If u sneeze into your hand take your glove of and wash your hand.

    If you so spill anything on your food just

    1. If you spill anything on your food you just containment. Also wear clean clothes while your the kitchen.Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential in preventing foodborne illness. You can't see, smell, or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. Make sure you clean your area

  7. Food safety and being conscious of how food is handled is paramount in food service industries. Places such as restaurants and grocery stores that handle fresh meat and produce or have a prepared foods section have a huge responsibility to remain sanitary at all times. The video stressed the importance of the simple practice of washing hands and being prepared to work around food. If the chef or person handling food is not aware of the precautions that should be taken to keep food sanitary then this could potentially contribute to higher risks of a foodborne illness outbreak. Furthermore, one should always practice proper hygiene especially if working around foods. If proper hygiene is not practiced then that could also play a huge role in food contamination. It is best to use food safety precautions if you want to avoid food contamination and foodborne illness.

    -Adrienne Holmes Block 6

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  9. The safety of food is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturing places. One of biggest parts of keeping foods safe is cleaning your hand and utensils properly. when employees use the restroom they should always remove their apron and gloves so that the food don't get contaminated with germs and bacteria.

    Finally, Whenever employees sneeze or cough on their gloves they should remove them and wash their hand and dry them properly. Employees should follow all cooking direction so that nothing gets contaminated an so you can avoid foodborne illness. proper hygiene is important especially if working around foods. All Employees should wear aprons, hairnets and gloves.

    -Reggie Mack block 2

  10. Food Safety is important because it prevents yourself and others from getting foodborne illness. Foodborne illness is a disease transmitted to people by food. In the video the woman could have started the illness because she was wearing outside clothes, did not wash her hands properly,her hair was not tied back,she was eating around the food she was supposed to be preparing and many more wrongs. She was not being aware of everything she was doing because of that she could of gotten sick or she could of made others sick. Covering up properly is an important part of being in the kitchen.
    Additionally, it is really important for employees to wear the proper clothing because the germs from outside may follow you and it could contaminate your food. Changing gloves very often is important also because it ensures that you are not transferring bacteria back and forth when you switch station. Restraining your hair is key to keeping the kitchen and food safe because your hair will not accidently get in the food or fall in there and cause people to eat your hair. When taking a break or eating you must eat away from the station you are preparing or cooking your food so the food you are eating does not mix and contaminate each other. Food safety is very important because it protects you and other from getting very ill, you must ALWAYS wash your hands properly when in the kitchen. It is most likely the MAIN key when in the kitchen.
    Ray'oni Whidbee - Block 2

  11. 1. food safetyis important because it's used in grocery stores, cafeterias and food manufacturing places. One of most important parts of keeping foods safe is cleaning your hand. when employees use the restroom they should always remove their apron and gloves so that the food don't get contaminated.
    2. Always remove your apron before using the restroom. If there is ever a problem where you find yourself hungry while preparing food, it is best to step away from your station and munch on a snack.

  12. Food Safety is very important and vital to your health. Practicing good hygiene avoids sickness and the growth of bacteria to food. Bad Hygiene can cause contamination to your food and make people sick. In the video It showed how the food was improperly handled by wearing inappropriate clothing , Not washing her hands , contaminating other foods and showed careless and neglect towards food. Additionally Bad Hygiene can cause an FBI outbreak and spread germs. Wearing proper gloves and head gear is always important because it keeps bodily things such as hair or skin out of food. In all Food safety is very important it stops people from getting sick.

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  15. 1.) Safety of food is important it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturings. Washing your hands is one of the biggest parts of keeping foods uncontaminated. When washing your hands use warm water, use soap, and lather up your hands, upper arms after some seconds rinse and dry off with a paper towel and turn the sink off with the paper towel. All employees must wash hands if they touch any unsanitary surface, used the phone, touched hair, or if they used the restroom.

    2.) When you wear gloves it keeps you and the food sanitary. You need to change your gloves if you leave to do any task, physical contact with someone, or touched your face or hair, changed products and took the trash out . Always take off your apron if you go to the bathroom. Don't eat or drink food near where your station in which you prepare food. You could drop or spill food into someone else food witch cause you to contaminate the food.

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  17. 1)wearing gloves helps protect you from giving others diseases. A apron can help with keeping your clothes clean. if you cough and sneeze in your gloves make sure to change them before you do anything else.put hair in a knot before cutting or cooking.

  18. 2) don't touch anyone else before washing your hands. make sure to throw out food if any type of liquid spills on it. make sure to wash hands after doing anything when cooking. don't cross contaminate with other foods. make sure to take off all accessories before coking or cutting.

  19. Food safety is important because it can decrease the risk of foodborne illness. Having good hygiene is also important. You don't want to get yourself sick or anyone else sick. Washing your hands is the key to being clean. All employees must wash hands after using the restroom. Wash your hands with hot water and soap. Wash your hands if you touched anywhere on your body or if they are dirty.

    Wearing gloves in the kitchen are not sufficient enough. You must change your gloves when touching raw meats. If your gloves has a hole or you ripped them change them. Cough or sneeze into your arm. Change/wash cutting boards after you put raw meats and vegetables on them. Tie up long hair & wear a hair net. When going to the restroom take off your apron. Make sure your station is clean and your tools.
    Bell 3/4

  20. 1)Make sure your wearing gloves to protect hands and avoid illnesses of any kind. Hair must be tied up away from food.Change gloves to avoid germs in or near foods.Wash hand before and after you cook so there wont be any bacteria.

  21. 2)Washing hands is the most important thing about being in the kitchen to avoid any illness or germs.You have to use warm water and soap when washing hands.If gloves get any whole or tears you must replace them.Cleaning your cooking station is very important you have to make sure that there are no left over food scraps or mess in the area and that everything is sanitized and clean.

  22. 2)Washing hands is the most important thing about being in the kitchen to avoid any illness or germs.You have to use warm water and soap when washing hands.If gloves get any whole or tears you must replace them.Cleaning your cooking station is very important you have to make sure that there are no left over food scraps or mess in the area and that everything is sanitized and clean.

  23. Do nots in the kitchen. Do not touch face,hair,phone,nose,or items outside station. Do not wear your apron in the bathroom always take it off before going in. Do not use any tools or surfaces that have come in contact with raw meat on other foods. Do not eat or drink at your station food and drink must be kept away. Do not come back to your station without washing your hands.

    Dos in the kitchen. Always sanitize surfaces before and after use. Always wash hands before and after handling food. Always wear closed toe shoes and put hair up that is below the ear. Always wear gloves when handling ready to eat food. Always change gloves when in youre not sure if you need to.

  24. The safety of food is very Important because there are a lot of food borne illnesses that can accrue. There are a lot of bad pathogens that people can catch from other people and the food not being handled properly. In the video the lady made several mistakes. She contaminated the onions by eating in the kitchen, she did not wash her hands before entering the kitchen, she did not take her apron off before using the restroom, and she crossed contaminated by touching raw meat and then touching the onions.
    There are a lot of precautions that is very necessary when working in the kitchen. In the video you see the lady explain how she was supposed to prepare work. First she needed to put on clean clothes and closed toe shoes. Second she needed to wash her hands the proper way before doing her work. We as culinary students must remember that when we are in the kitchen it’s fun but also comes with lots of responsibilities and rules that we have to follow.

  25. Food safety is very important because it can really decrease the chance of others getting sick. Everyone especially those who may work in a kitchen should practice good hygiene and safety procedures, to prevent contamination of food . In the video it showed multiple ways to properly handle food and enter the kitchen. After it showed a lady doing everything absolutely wrong. Washing your hands is an major important thing when it comes to handling food, your hands just by themselves can carry so many germs and bacteria on the that can be sickening.
    Cross-contamination is another dangerous thing to do in the kitchen. The lady in the video went from handling raw meat ,straight back to cutting her onions. Therefore, transferring bacteria and any other microorganisms to the vegatables. Keeping a clean area to prepare the food in is also important . Always sanitize your space and keep outside food and drinks from around the kitchen , if you want to take a little food break go to a designated spot for that. All in all practicing food safety will help prevent a lot of people from getting harmed and keep a lot of good businesses going. Block 1 (intro)

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  27. Food safety is important because it can decrease the risk of foodborne illness. Having good personal hygiene is also very important. Also you don't want to get yourself sick or anyone else sick by having bad hygiene. Washing your hands is the most important thing to do while being in the kitchen. All employees must wash their hands after using the restroom,switching stations,and when handling different foods. Another thing you need to do is wash your hands with hot water and soap for 20 sec or more.
    While wearing gloves in the kitchen you must change them every time you do something different. If your gloves has a hole or you ripped them change them an when you cough and sneeze into your hand. And always make sure you change or wash your cutting boards after you put raw meats and vegetables on them. Also tie your hair up into a bun & wear a hat. An when going to the restroom take off your apron and make sure your station is clean from all foods.
    -Mya k block 3/4

  28. Food safety is is very important when working in places that food is prepared in . such as: grocery stores ,restaurants ,and cafeterias. dressing in the right attire is important for food safety. you always wear closed toed shoes, clean clothes, everyone needs to wear a hat, and if you like you can wear chef jacket. you must always remember to wash your hands before you go into the kitchen.

    when you wash your hands use hot water , lather your hands , upper arms , and fingernails with soap. it should only take 20 seconds. you should always wash your hands after these activities. if your hands are dirty, you touch your hair or face , used your phone, and if you just used the bathroom. you should change your glove every time you are about to touch a different food. like raw meat fruits.

    - Nakiya Mason Bell 6

  29. Food safety is very important in every matter. Food safety is used not only in restaurants but also in grocery stores and st home. Without food safety there would be so many people that would be sick. Also it's important to keep food safe because food can easily contaminated. It could be something as little as just dropping something onto another food.
    Lastly it's important to keep good safe because people everyday are at risk for getting sick. The people who can sick easily are elderly people, young children and people with a weak immune system. With people in those categories, it makes it even more important to be very clean. For people who work in the kitchen it's important to come to work clean. Not only can they get the customers sick but they could possibly get their co-workers sick. STAY CLEAN GUYS!!!!!!!!
    -Kayla Pair. Bell3/4

  30. Food safety is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias, and food manufactuings. Washing your hands is a big part of food safety. The proper way to wash your hands is use hot water but not too hot. Then use soap to lather your hands and upper arms. After about 20 seconds grab a paper towel to dry your but also to turn off the water and open the door. If you are touching your cell phone, touching your hair, or touching the garbage you should wash your hands before doing anything.

    You should wear proper attire to work. You should have closed toe shoes and all your jelwery should be off and your hair should be pulled back. You should wear gloves to keep the food clean but gloves can also get dirty and they will need to be changed. Your gloves should changed when you change jobs, touched your hair, sneezed, or touched the trash. You may think gloves keep your hands clean but they don't so each time you change your gloves you also have to wash your hands. Don't eat or drink around the food you're preparing. If you want to have a drink or snack go where you're not close to the food like a sitting area.

    ~Jaila Ricks
    Block 6

  31. keeping food safe is very important. You must always wash your hands and keep a clean area for food at all times. If you fail to do this, it may result in the customer or consumer of the food you are handling to become sick. Always wash your hands properly before coming into the kitchen. While handling different foods, for example switching from handling meat to fruit, always change your gloves. Don't worry about wasting gloves we are trying to keep the food safe. Better safe than sorry.

    For your work station, never eat over the food you are handling. Instead go into an area outside of the kitchen to eat or drink. Also, keeping your area clean is very very important. You must also be properly dressed in order to work with food. If you have long hair you must tie it back into a bun. Before entering the kitchen, wear the proper chefs outfit and hang up your outerwear. Take off all jewelry and watches as well. If you are to be feeling sick inform your boss immediately before either coming to work or handling food.

    -Brenna Craig
    block 1

  32. Food safety is very imortant when it comes to preparing,cooking, grocery stores,retaurants, cafeterias and other places. In the video they taught us what to and not to do when it comes to being in the kitchen. There are many ways to prevent contamination in foods and preventing other employees from getting sick. Some examples that workers can practice include good hygeine, like being clean before coming to work and washing your hands before prepping, after using the restroom, before switching jobs or products because there are physical and chemical hazards that can be prevented.
    Before entering the kitchen if you are sick it is important to let your boss or manager know; dressing properly includes wearing closed toed shoes, hair tied up for those with long hair and hair nets. Gloves come in handy but it is important to change them if there are any rips in them. It can also help but also must be changed if you are changing from meats to vegetables or fruits to prevent cross contamination. It is also important to not eat or drink meanwhile prepping or working it can also cross contaminate. In all safety and sanitation is very important!
    -Lailahnee Butler blk3/4

  33. Food safety is very imortant when it comes to preparing,cooking, grocery stores,retaurants, cafeterias and other places. In the video they taught us what to and not to do when it comes to being in the kitchen. There are many ways to prevent contamination in foods and preventing other employees from getting sick. Some examples that workers can practice include good hygeine, like being clean before coming to work and washing your hands before prepping, after using the restroom, before switching jobs or products because there are physical and chemical hazards that can be prevented.
    Before entering the kitchen if you are sick it is important to let your boss or manager know; dressing properly includes wearing closed toed shoes, hair tied up for those with long hair and hair nets. Gloves come in handy but it is important to change them if there are any rips in them. It can also help but also must be changed if you are changing from meats to vegetables or fruits to prevent cross contamination. It is also important to not eat or drink meanwhile prepping or working it can also cross contaminate. In all safety and sanitation is very important!
    -Lailahnee Butler blk3/4

  34. Food safety is important in practicing so that we don't get others in the kitchen and others eating the food sick. As we see in the video Katie has made several mistakes that could be easily seen. For example Katie showed up to work looking sick she didn't have on the right clothes she had her hair all over her cooking space area. We have to be safe in the kitchen because if we are cooking and using sharp tools then we drop the tool that sharp object can cut our toes if we don't keep our body protecteAlso you have to make sure all of your jewelry is off.

    Lastly when working in the kitchen you must wash your hands before and after dealing with foods you are cooking with. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and hot water not to hot but the hottest it can go with out burning your hands. If you are dealing with raw chicken and you need to switch to a different area make sure to throw the gloves your using away and wash your hands and put on new gloves. When u have to use the bathroom make sure to take off ur apron off and hang it up in a clean area then come back and put it on when u are done. If you are hungry and need yourself a little snack then go to the family dinning room area to eat there because you could contaminate the food with allergens and bacteria.
    Imani onwukwe block 6

  35. Food safety is important because it is used in restaurant and every place that sells food.before you handle food you always have to make sure you wash your Hands with soap and water .when you sneeze or cough always make sure to change you gloves and wash your hands again . Always make sure your hair is tied back and up out of the way . If your sick always make sure you check with you boss and ask if you can come in . Another reason why food safety is very important is that you make the food and your responsible for anything that happens to the person .Also never eat or dink around the food you prepare .the perfect time to eat food is in the break room or when you get home .always make sure when you wash your hands keep water and soap on your hands for at least 20 seconds . There is a lot of things that could go wrong with the food that you are preparing always remember to use food safety !!!!!!!

  36. Food safety is very important because its used in grocery stores, cafeterias, resturants, and food manufacturings. Before handling food you must wash your hands. When washing hands use hot water but not too hot to burn your hands. Lather hands, forearms, and fingernails with soap. Wash hands for 20 seconds and then grab paper towel to dry and turn off water or opening the bathroom door. When handling food wear gloves. Always wear a different pair of gloves when handling different foods. Change gloves if you touch your hair, touch garbage, touch nose, mouth or eyes. Also when you sneeze or cough. If you don't change gloves food can get contaminated which is called cross contamination.

    Proper attire and good hygiene is a big part as well. Coming to work without showering is disgusting but also a big no. Wearing open toed shoes is another no. Females have to have their hair in a bun to work. You can wear a chef hat and jacket as well. Washing hands is good hygiene as well. You should always wash hands before coming into the kitchen. In the end safety and sanitation is very important.

    -Jada Crandle Block 1

  37. Food Safety is extremely important because it is used in a variety of places. For example, it is used in grocery stores, cafeterias, restaurants, and food manufacturing. Before handling food you must always wash your hands. Use hot water, lather your hands, forearms, and under your fingernails, rinse and dry your hands using the paper towel to turn off the water and open the door. This process should take at least 20 seconds. When handling food always wear gloves and change those gloves whenever you change assignments, leave the work area, tear one of the gloves, handling different foods, or if you touch your hair or face.

    The proper clothing must be worn while in the kitchen. Make sure that you practice good hygiene before entering the kitchen. Wear closed toed shoes, tie your hair back, and wear clean clothes. Keep personal belongings and snacks away from the work area as to not contaminate the food. It is very important to keep your food safe because, "safe food is good food".
    ~Antonio Rorie Block:7

  38. This videos purpose was food safety. it first relayed a scenario which a ill and dirty emloyee came to work and proceeded to do her job. while doing her job she exhibited several examples of improper safety and sanition including:sneezing into her hands and then fixing her hair while chopping onions.with the same gloves on she shook her bosses hand and handled raw chicken soon after.she then went to the restroom barely washed her hands and wiped her hands on her apron. after returning to her work station while chopping more onions she began to eat and spill food all over the cutting board, and instead of cleaning it up she just wiped it of and kept moving.

    After the scenario ended the video proceeded to relay the employee's wrong doings on the kitchen and the infor us on what she should have done instead.

    Leonard Clark Block 3 and 4

  39. Food safety is very important when working in any place that prepares food such as grocery stores, restaurants, cafes, and food manufacturing plants. There is a lot more to making food than making it taste good. Before handling food at your workplace,if you're feeling sick make sure to inform your manager of your symptoms or illness. Always come to work well rested and clean. If you have any personal items with you, place them in the specific area where they belong (locker, rack, etc.). Make sure you're dressed safely before coming into work (Closed toe shoes, long pants, and a t-shirt). Before handling any type of food you must first take off any small pieces of jewelry that could possibly contaminate the food you are handling. If you are married you may only wear plain wedding ring bands. You then wash and sanitize the area you will be using ( make sure your prep space is clean and ready for you to work). If you have long hair tie you hair up, put on your hairnet (or chefs hat) and apron,wash your hands, put on some clean gloves and then you may begin.

    Furthermore, while you are working, if you so happen to have to cover your mouth to cough or sneeze, touch yourself or someone else, before moving on, you must re-wash your hands, and put on a fresh pair of gloves In order to continue. Also, when handling any kind of raw meat, you must wash the cutting board you used, any other kitchen tools used for the meat, wash your hands, and put on a clean pair of gloves before handling another meat or item of food. If you have to use the restroom, take off your apron, your hat (or hairnet), and throw away your gloves before you do so. More importantly, before leaving the restroom, wash your hands and upper arms with soap and hot water for 20-30 seconds, dry them with a paper towel, and repeat this process again once you've entered the kitchen. You may then place you hat, apron, and a Fresh pair of gloves on and continue to work. Another important rule in the kitchen is to never eat or drink in your work area, you don't want to contaminate the food. If you want to eat, eat away from food preparation areas and wash your hands once you're done. Lastly, always change your gloves when changing food products, touching the trash, when your gloves are damaged (even if it's only one, change both), when leaving your work station, touching yourself or others, changing jobs in the kitchen, touching an electronic device, and when in doubt, change your gloves!

    Tatyana Stevenson block 3/4

  40. Food safety is a very important part in the kitchen for preparing foods. Wash hands at all times before and after doing any tasks. Washing your hands can help prevent spread any bacteria. Make sure you always use hot water with antibacterial soap and wash for 20 seconds. Getting between your fingers and nails can take out any germs.
    Gloves are to keep your hands and food clean. Be aware of anything you touch because you may spread bacteria whether you have gloves on or not. It's best to change your gloves thoroughly. If you have a cut or tear in the gloves, you have to change them. When it comes to your aprons, take them off before going to the restroom. Never eat or drink around the food you're preparing. If you practice hygiene and cleansing, our foods and health will not be in danger.

    Tionne Bailey Block 3/4

  41. Food safety is ideal to being in the kitchen and preparing food for others. Before you leave for work, make sure you have had a good shower and you aren't sick. If you are sick, just simply call your job and explain to them that you are so you can protect others. When you finally arrive to the kitchen workplace, immediately wash your hands and make sure you have on your chef clothes. If you have hair that is out, put it into a tight bun and wear a hat. Now that your hygiene and clothing is good it is now time to get right into cooking.
    When preparing food of any sort, you should put on gloves that have no tears or rips. Make sure if you are dealing with different products to change gloves and wash your hands EVERY TIME! Do not touch your hair nor your face and then touch the food, you must change your gloves and wash your hands once again.
    Everyone gets hungry or thirsty so whenever you want to take a small snack break, make sure you cover and put away your food properly and go to a separate area to eat. If you spill your snack on the food you are preparing, then it is now contaminated and can cause desperate allergens to break out if served to a customer.
    To sum this up, make sure you keep your practicing good hygiene and be considerate of how your actions can reflect on others. Keep food and others well-being out of danger.

    Jordan Belén {Block 6}

  42. Food Safety is extremely important because it is used in a variety of places. For example, it is used in grocery stores, cafeterias, restaurants, and food manufacturing. Before handling food you must always wash your hands and used hot waterlather your hands, forearms, and under your fingernails, rinse and dry your hands using the paper towel to turn off the water and open the door. This process should take at least 20 seconds.


  43. Food Safety is vital when preparing, handling, and serving food. During the video, Keedy did not follow proper safety and sanitation steps while working in the kitchen. When she first entered the kitchen, she was not in proper chef attire at all. She wore open toed shoes, her hair was not pulled up, she did not have on a chef hat or jacket, and wiped her nose before entering the kitchen. Throughout the video she made many disturbing mistakes while handling food.

    While handling onions she did not wash her hands before putting on gloves and taking them off. She then went to use the bathroom and did not bother to wash her hands then either. At this point her body is crawling with pathogens and needs to remove herself from the kitchen. Next, Keedy shook hands with a job interviewer, held physical contact with raw chicken, and started slicing onions once again all with the same gloves. To uphold proper safety and sanitation regulations, Keedy should have been in proper uniform and washed her hands as needed.

    Semaj Craddock
    Block: 2

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  45. when handling food it is important to be clean. By being clean you must wash your hands,wash the cooking surface and your knifes. Also you must when using the bathroom take your apron off and wash your hands when you leave.

    Also if you cough or sneeze wash your hands before you do anything. When you are to go do another job take your gloves off each time. When you eat make sure it is away from the cooking area.

    Joey Olup Block7

  46. Food safety is very important in food preparation places such as grocery stores, cafeterias, and restaurants. One food safety habit that is crucial is to always wash your hands. You should always wash your hands with hot water, at the safest temperature, and lather with antibacterial soap. Wash between your fingers, underneath your fingernails, and never dry your hands on your clothes. It is important to wash your hands after using the restroom, touching your face, or if there are ever dirty. After you wash your hands, you should immediately put on gloves to further prevent any contamination. When wearing gloves, it is vital to change them when they come in contact with something. For example, taking out the trash, shaking someone's hand, touching your face, or touching another food product such as meat.

    Furthermore, you must also remove your apron before using the restroom. If there is ever a situation where you find yourself hungry while preparing food, it is best to step away from your station and munch on a quick snack. Doing this will keep customers safe from any allergens that fall into the food. One last food safety habit is wearing proper clothing attire. This consists of a clean shirt and pants, closed-toe shoes with your hair tied back.

  47. Food safety is important in food places such as grocery stores, restaurants etc. One thing you have to do before touching the food is to wash your hands throughly, Washing your hands is important because you wont spread bacteria from your hands to the food. You also have to wear gloves whdn handleing RTE foods and other foods. She didnt wash her hands when she came in the kitchen. She also didnt tie her hair back,change her shoes,changer her clothes,and she didnt take her jewelry off.

    When you enter a kitchen, you are suppose to take your jewelry off and tie you hair back. Make sure you have on closed toed shoes and clean clothes. Then you wash your hands and put gloves on. When you go to the bathroom, take you apron off and when your done, wash your hands and put the gloves back on. Dont eat in the kitchen over the food. Go to the designated area for eating food.

    Tyanna Smith Block 3/4

  48. Food safety is very important in food preparation places such as grocery stores, cafeterias, and restaurants. We should always wash our hands and utensils because it helps keep food not contaminated and Washing hands is the most important thing about being in the kitchen to avoid any illness or germs. Washing your hands is the most important thing to do while being in the kitchen. All employees must wash their hands after using the restroom,switching stations,and when handling different foods. By doing this you will prevent the spread of food borne illness.
    wearing gloves helps protect you from giving others diseases. A apron can help with keeping your clothes clean. if you cough and sneeze in your gloves make sure to change them before you do anything else. In the video the lady was doing absolutely doing everything wrong. And we can all learn by that by being prepare and extra clean.

  49. Second paragraph starts at "wearing"

  50. Food safety is very important grocery stores, restaurants, ect. One thing we should do is wash our hands before handling any food or utensils. Washing hands is important because it will keep food from being contaminated and prevent any illnesses or germs. It is also a very important thing to do while you are in the kitchen. ALL employees are registered to wash their hands handling different foods, using the restroom, and switching stations, ect. Washing your hands will also prevent the spreading of food-borne illnesses.

    ALWAYS wear an apron while in the kitchen or while cooking; take it off while using the restroom. Wear a hair net before handling any type of foods. take of any excess jewelry, such as necklaces, rings, earrings, any face rings, ect. Always have good personal hygiene while processing and/or handling any foods.
    -Tyauna Edwards 7th Block

  51. Food safety is important in the kitchen or in a restaurant. You should always cover your hair ,use closed- toe shoes, and remove all jewelry . Lastly , you should use a apron and gloves for cutting foods.
    Never sneezed into your gloves and continue to handle food. Also , never eat and handle food at the same time. Lastly , the most important WASH YOUR HANDS !
    Denise Perez

  52. This videos was about food safety. it first tell you about dirty people who come to work. then talk about a girl doing her job.when she was doing her job she was coming across a lot of examples of bad safety and sanition like:sneezing into her hands, and then doing her hair while chopping onions like she was in a hair shop.she had on the same gloves and started touching other as well and then choice to go cook raw chicken soon after .the nasty female when to the bathroom and barely wash her hands then wipe it in her apron. after she was done with that she started her work station while beginning to start more onions chopping she stared to eat while cutting those onions and waste food all over the cutting board, and inserted of her washing it she just wipe and kept going what her job

  53. Food safety is important in food places such as grocery stores, restaurants etc. One thing you have to do before touching the food is to wash your hands throughly, Washing your hands is important because you wont spread bacteria from your hands to the food. You also have to wear gloves whdn handleing RTE foods and other foods. She didnt wash her hands when she came in the kitchen. She also didnt tie her hair back,change her shoes,changer her clothes,and she didnt take her jewelry off.

    When you enter a kitchen, you are suppose to take your jewelry off and tie you hair back. Make sure you have on closed toed shoes and clean clothes. Then you wash your hands and put gloves on. When you go to the bathroom, take you apron off and when your done, wash your hands and put the gloves back on. Dont eat in the kitchen over the food. Go to the designated area for eating food.

  54. Food safety is important when dealing with food in places where food is handled. Examples would be a restaurant, cafeteria, or a kitchen. Food safety is important because it prevents cross contamination and sickness in others while practicing good personal hygiene. It is also important because it prevents food from contamination or foodborne illness. Practice in food safety is the best way to keep others healthy and food safe to eat.
    Food safety practices, as shown in the video, is a great way to insure that food is safe to eat. Food safety practices includes washing your hands, fingers, nails, and some of your arms past your wrist thoroughly, it helps to prevent germs and cross contamination. Changing your gloves while touching other food, objects, or trash, is also a great way to practice food safety. Bringing importance to dressing safely, before stepping in the kitchen and while handling food is extremely necessary to prevent any type of cross contamination or hazards from the hair or open toed shoes. Dressing fully covered, or just about, while and before you step in the kitchen, with the mandatory dress code, is the proper way to deal with food while in the kitchen. Food safety can be practiced in many ways to be safely assured within yourself and others while in food contact. Food safety should not only be practiced, but food safety should indeed become a lifestyle.

  55. Food safety is important when dealing with food in places where food is handled. Examples would be a restaurant, cafeteria, or a kitchen. Food safety is important because it prevents cross contamination and sickness in others while practicing good personal hygiene. It is also important because it prevents food from contamination or foodborne illness. Practice in food safety is the best way to keep others healthy and food safe to eat.
    Food safety practices, as shown in the video, is a great way to insure that food is safe to eat. Food safety practices includes washing your hands, fingers, nails, and some of your arms past your wrist thoroughly, it helps to prevent germs and cross contamination. Changing your gloves while touching other food, objects, or trash, is also a great way to practice food safety. Bringing importance to dressing safely, before stepping in the kitchen and while handling food is extremely necessary to prevent any type of cross contamination or hazards from the hair or open toed shoes. Dressing fully covered, or just about, while and before you step in the kitchen, with the mandatory dress code, is the proper way to deal with food while in the kitchen. Food safety can be practiced in many ways to be safely assured within yourself and others while in food contact. Food safety should not only be practiced, but food safety should indeed become a lifestyle.

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. 1) Food safety is very important when in the kitchen. If your not careful, there is a chance you can contaminate the food. Washing your hands before and after dealing with food is a very important factor. Especially if your transitioning between raw meats and fruits or vegetables.You must wash your hands properly. Using hot water and scrubbing soap thoroughly through out your hands.

    2) Wearing gloves is also important. You don't want to contaminate the food with bacteria from your hands. If you rip your glove, then remove it and gain another. The dress code mus be appropriate You are allowed to eat, but not around the kitchen or where there is food placed. you must eat in designated places. Your food could fall on another and then contaminate it. Food safety is a very important topic and should be used more often.

  58. 1) Food safety is very important when in the kitchen. If your not careful, there is a chance you can contaminate the food. Washing your hands before and after dealing with food is a very important factor. Especially if your transitioning between raw meats and fruits or vegetables.You must wash your hands properly. Using hot water and scrubbing soap thoroughly through out your hands.

    2) Wearing gloves is also important. You don't want to contaminate the food with bacteria from your hands. If you rip your glove, then remove it and gain another. The dress code mus be appropriate You are allowed to eat, but not around the kitchen or where there is food placed. you must eat in designated places. Your food could fall on another and then contaminate it. Food safety is a very important topic and should be used more often.

  59. The safety of food is important because it's used in grocery stores, restaurants, cafeterias and food manufacturing places. One of biggest parts of keeping foods safe is cleaning your hand and utensils properly. when employees use the restroom they should always remove their apron and gloves so that the food don't get contaminated with germs and bacteria.Finally, Whenever employees sneeze or cough on their gloves they should remove them and wash their hand and dry them properly. Employees should follow all cooking direction so that nothing gets contaminated an so you can avoid foodborne illness. proper hygiene is important especially if working around foods. All Employees should wear aprons, hairnets and gloves.

  60. 1. The video shows all the things the girl did wrong. She didn’t wash her hands as she walked into the kitchen. She cleaned her nose with her gloves and continued to cute the unions. The video shows that sanitation is key. Because you can get sick or make the people eating your food sick.
    2. You’re not supposed to go to the bathroom without washing your hands when you’re finished. Not posed to eat or drink while you’re cooking. When you Wear gloves it keeps the food clean. You need to change your gloves if you shake someone's hand, or touched your face or hair. Always remove your apron before using the bathroom.

    Arriah Rayford

  61. In this video, the women fails to complete her task by not having good hygiene, cross-contaminating, and clean the area of the preparation area.

    first, the women came to work sick and she takes off her coat and puts it on the uniforms/other cloths. Seconds, she came in the kitchen without her uniform. Third, she didn't wash her hands before going in the kitchen. Fourth,use glove to wipe her face and sneezes and STILL USES THE SAME GLOVES TO COOK. Fifth, with gloves still on, she shakes someone's hand. sixth,use gloves from the onions to the meat. Seventh, Pulled her hair back(physical contamination).eight went to the bathroom. wash her hand incorrectly. Ninth,dry her hands with the apron. Tenth,took the spoon to taste, then drop it on the onions. Eleventh,drinks water around food. Twelve, drops water on the food and cutting board. Thirteen, wipes the cutting board with DIRTY gloves

    employees should have the mindset that coming to work sick isn't a good idea especially in a cooking area. The manager/the person in charge should be observing the employees as they cook most of their time. Customer always have a voice/judgement on a restaurant. there will be negative comments if restaurant fails to fix the situation. And lastly, it is a requirement to dress the part. Make sure you are wearing a hairnet, drees in uniform, use gloves as many times as granted, and use materials in the kitchen correctly.

    It is an Important thing to be sanitary and mindful of the food you prepare mostly because it prevents people from getting sick/ill.

    Olabisi o.(BB)
    bell: 6

  62. In this video, it shows us a woman who does not practice good personal hygiene while in the preparation area.

    The woman comes to work sick, and places her jacket in the wrong area. She rubbed her nose and didn't wash her hands, proceeding to put on her apron and gloves to cut an onion. She sneezed, touched her hair, and went back to cutting the onion without changing her gloves. She shook her boss' hand and without changing her gloves, she put raw chicken into a container and went right back to cutting the onions. She then got her blueberries and water on the onions, basically contaminating them.

    This video shows that wearing and changing gloves and practicing good hygiene is very important. The blueberries and water getting on the onions can cause cross contamination, which is hazardous to the customers. If you don't change gloves, you're also causing cross contamination. You change gloves in any instance, even if you are unsure whether or not to change your gloves.
